Monday, November 15, 2010

Abduct the month

One month down, yet I see so many more to go. It's this never ending cycle of the water washing up on the shore, to be sucked out by the tide and the pull of the moon. I yearn, to be touched once more by the cool salty sea... To be whole with the ocean once again. I am just sand. Sitting and waiting, made up of thousands and thousands of individual pieces, to make one useless whole. That within me gets cooked by the baking sun, and I feel burnt but I do not fade away. I continue, tired and worn and dried out... Waiting for the ocean to envelop me once more, and feed that which lives deep within my surface. Waiting for these footprints all over me to be washed away, for me to be renewed and pumped full of new life.

One month without that which was once the only thing that drove me on. One month without my love, however much a love as he was then, I don't feel him beating within me anymore. I am dried out and worn, waiting for his ocean to return. But if the moon stops turning, how will he ever return? how will he ever come back to me? Do I want it at all anymore?

Sober, and confused. Before I was deluded, but atleast I was more sure of myself, my situation. All these hearts, all this potential, but nothing is over, nothing is completed here. So much drama, fear, pain... Still waiting, for the kings army to return. Still awaiting the justice of this land, the justice that will reward the sabotage and sacrifice of life that I have poured my heart and soul into. Sucked up and used, nothing in life to expect or demand. Powerless and defeated I feel, regardless of the future of happiness I will recieve. The future feels like the inevitable end.

Is it? I want so badly for the end. Where love and life are put to the side... To spend some time within nothingness. A third dimension for me to disapear into. I just want to be nothing again.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mind loss

I'm drowning in my sink,
The bubbles have gone and the cold is on the brink- why me?
I'm walking down your street,
I'm tempted to call out your name but I- I bail.
Are you happy where you are?
I turn the keys and the car won't start,
It's frustrating in this world alone,
if I called you now, would you be home,
Oh I, I think I'm loosing my mind.

The blue skies are nothing and the oceans are a joke,
comparing them to the windows of your soul, which leaves me choking,
I am struggling to find the right words to express my simple mind,
So if you could excuse me, I need to think on them a while.
Oh I, I think I'm loosing my mind.