Thursday, March 17, 2011

In Freedom and Chains

The times they are a changing... I wake up every day, feeling the pull and tug of life trying to shift the heavy weights on my shoulders. The one thing that I thought was always against me has turned out to be my friend; thankyou time for showing me the healing power of the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months that have gone into patching up the fabric and restitching the old, worn edges of my heart.

My heart. I never really understood how it worked or what it meant until I saw his face. I didn't believe that he had any of the answers to my problems in life, but a humble person can admit that they were wrong. How wrong I really was about this man; who stood from the very beginning with arms open and the intent to nourish the joy back into my life... He said he was a man of his word and I instinctively laughed at that, but once again time has shown me how wrong I can be.

I can trust again, love again, laugh and breathe easily again. The horrors that walked these empty halls have no power over the choices I make anymore. I have someone I can rely on, whose version of love is more than mere words. We will move the sky together and shake the very foundations of this planet; not just sit around getting high pretending that we even give enough of a shit to try. It's not a lie, it's not a dependancy... It's perfection, and it's not relying on drugs to keep it alive.

Thankyou God and Void alike for both showing me the true potential of myself, thankyou for that glorious split second of giving up on love; because it was during that moment where I wasn't even looking for it that I found it in him, and over such a great distance and from such a dark place we have planted the seeds of companionship within our hearts and allowed this great, passionate flame to burst them open and watch them grow. As we will watch our lives grow, entwining our fates and bodies as one.
I am not afraid of what it means to let this person into my heart and life, I am not afraid of what gripped me for so long... David has slain the Goliath in my life... And there's no looking back now.

No looking back on that crooked, cold house with those crooked, cold people. A certain vulgar, derelict potency to every character who walked in and out, in and out, day after day. An embarrassment, a chore, a boring fascade of walking, talking shit houses. All speaking of freedom whilst their hands were cast in chains. All being commanded and paraded around by a fantasy creature of lion and bird with a taste for expensive poverty and false intentions...
Never again will I walk within that life, nor give that life a chance. I have finally found what I have been waiting for: To love, and to be loved in return; as all that I am, unconditionally and without the want to change or be changed... I no longer live within that prison.

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